Emotion Regulation skills could be especially helpful to us over Christmas. We sometimes face difficult situations or memories, and perhaps this review of some of the skills can help. One of the most important things we can do for
ourselves is to practise the skills for Reducing Vulnerability to Emotion Mind, that state where we are ruled by our Emotions, instead of our Wise Mind, which is a blend of our thinking, feeling and reasoning skills.

On the 1st Day of Christmas, my Wise Mind said to me…
Start Eating Healthier Food

Uh huh. Ya, right. Note: I did not say "healthy", as in, "don't even look at unless it is celery." I said "healthier," as in, "I'll have three cookies and a glass of milk instead of a dozen or so and a Coke."
On the 2nd Day of Christmas, my Wise Mind said to me..
Cut Down on Booze

You know it makes sense. If you can stop drinking altogether, that would be cool, too
On the 3rd Day of Christmas, my Wise Mind said to me..
Treat Yourself (and Others)

Give yourself a break from fixating on what irks you about yourself and your relationships and do some really nice stuff for each other. No strings attached.
On the 4th Day of Christmas, my Wise Mind said to me..
Have a Good Laugh

I mean it! Play Twister, watch the movie that always makes you laugh, send someone a funny YouTube video or pop loud bubbles with bubblegum (especially if you weren't allowed to do that growing up.)
On the 5th Day of Christmas, my Wise Mind said to me...
Fill Your Senses

Picture: white twinkle lights, a dozen scented candles, and a roaring fire. Who could possible stay upset in that scene?
On the 6th Day of Christmas, my Wise Mind said to me...
Give Yourself a Shave

This applies to male or female. If you have a beard: trim.
On the 7th Day of Christmas, my Wise Mind said to me..
Wash Your Hair and Style It…

It’s hard to stay miserable when you’re having a really good hair day.
On the 8th Day of Christmas, my Wise Mind said to me..
Go to some Meetings

You're not alone - whatever you’re going through, chances are someone else has been through something like it.
On the 9th Day of Christmas, my Wise Mind said to me..
Take a Long Hot Shower

Looooonnnngggg.... and until the hot water runs out.
On the 10th Day of Christmas, my Wise Mind said to me..
Go Out for a Walk

It is more like stroll, leisurely. You can go brisk, if you'd like
On the 11th Day of Christmas, my Wise Mind said to me..
Do some Mindful Breathing

Bring yourself back to the here and now
On the 12th Day of Christmas, my Wise Mind said to me..
Play your Favourite Music

Play it loud, all through the house, while dancing with abandon.